2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

Aloha Friends!!!

Aloha and Mahalo for visiting my blog! I started this blog as I began training for the 2010 Honolulu Marathon.. I have now met that goal!!! Thank you for taking this journey with me! 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith".

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Moved In!

I am typing as I look out my windows that frame the beautiful ocean and it's activity perfectly! The past 2 weeks have been filled with the busyness of packing and moving and unpacking and settling...I am truly blessed by the help from God's kids who came along side me and moved me in record time! We have been in our new home for a week and we already feel at peace and look forward to unpacking our things and surrounding ourselves with treasured memories.

I managed to press on in my training although it was a challenge. I ran another 5k on saturday in Makena and had a blast! I use the word "ran" loosley as I still walk/jog...but I did shave 4 minutes off my time, finishing the 5k in 40 minutes.

As we were nearing the final stretch, Carol told me to find someone ahead of me and set a goal to pass them, and try to finish before them. I picked a woman about my age and kept my eyes on her....she was jogging steady and I started to jog towards her and slowly passed her. The Finish line seemed to be farther away than I thought and I wasn't sure if I could keep my pace....but I kept at it. I smiled when I heard Carol from behind yell, "Go Kimmy, keep running girl!!" :) This allowed me to burst ahead and use every ounce of energy I had left. Crossing the Finish line feels awesome, I know I have a long way to go...but that sense of completion, mixed with sheer physical exhaustion is addicting! :) This 5k allowed us to have an ankle chip so the time was clocked and I could view it by matching it to my bib number. This race was also bigger than the last, about 800 runners. I am always amazed at the range of ages and physical conditions of all who participate. I'm getting the impression that running can be more of a mental battle rather than skill...although I need both! I even "ran" into runners from my first 5k who greeted me and wished me well before we began. I smiled inwardly at the thought of me becoming a familiar face in the "running circle" on Maui...who would of thunk it!!

I am going to Oahu this weekend to run in the Great Aloha Run...it's 8.6 miles. This week starting tomorrow, Carol will be having my runs daily lengthened. I will be jog/walking about 5-6 miles every other day. I'm nervous about the length of the upcoming race, but excited at the same time. It will be my longest jog/walk so far. Lord, please equip me!!

I met with my dr on Friday and discussed the results of my body scans. My cancer has remained contained in both of my lungs, no new spots have developed and the existing spots have not enlarged. My body seems to be responding to the Tamoxifen and I am truly blessed!!! I will have new scans done again in 3 months. As long as my body continues to respond to the medicine, we will stay the course. Chemo will be in my future if that is God's will.....but again...not today!

Katie told me that she is proud of me, with words but also with her eyes...they seemed to look at me with rising hope....that alone filled me with deeper determination!

Gotta Run!


  1. You are so amazing, mom. Truly an inspiration :) I love seeing you so determined. I love you and will be cheering for you on Monday!!! ;) xoxoxo

  2. Wow Kimmy that is totally amazing!! Trimming 4 minutes off your time is HUGE!! Especially considering how busy you have been the last 2 weeks...you continue to encourage, inspire and amaze me!!! We are thanking God for the exciting news you got at the doctors and knowing that our Lord is still and always will be the Great Physician and we trust Him to do His work in you!! Love you much!! xoxo
