2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

Aloha Friends!!!

Aloha and Mahalo for visiting my blog! I started this blog as I began training for the 2010 Honolulu Marathon.. I have now met that goal!!! Thank you for taking this journey with me! 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith".

Sunday, January 17, 2010


As I sit amongst boxes that are waiting to be filled, I am realizing that I must make the best use of my energy today and always. My life these last 6 months has been unrecognizable to me....and in some ways I am not familiar with myself and some of my own responses to my reality.

Tonight Katie and I shared heart moments together that were born from pain, sorrows and the ugliness of our own hearts. I treasure our time and am thankful for the moments together....and as I sat across from her and looked into her eyes, I couldn't help but be awed by her...when did she grow up? Lord, her hands are so tiny...baby hands....please hold them in yours...

I have heard that our character is revealed rather than defined in our trials....I continue to pray that what is revealed in us is more of Him....and less of us.

I have pressed on in my training and have walked 2-3 miles a day and have faced the fact that at this point...my reality is...I can jog for a continuous...6 minutes. Ouch...reality sucks. :) So, I will walk and jog into next week and share my successes and failures, hoping that..combined, both will assist me with the journey I trust I am equipped to walk and jog into daily.

I will be writing weekly with my updates and am thankful for any and all comments, whether they are encouraging or just plain good ol' smack talk.....both touch my heart and make me smile!

Gotta Run!


  1. Keep walking, jogging and smiling, sweet Kimmy...and pause for that ice cream break with a friend :) we love you!

  2. Wow Kimmy 6 minutes is awesome!! I mean that! I can't even go barely 30 seconds. I went walking/jogging with Wes yesterday and he kept laughing at me because I couldn't even jog half a block. That's ok though because I'll get there one day, right? hehe..... You are my inspiration!! Love you! xoxo

  3. Okay, so a little smack, as you put it: From here it's hard to tell, but...is Carol on your life ins. policy? I'm just sayin' ...it seems like a lot so early. I figure training should be like the event; slowly paced. I dunno, 'spose I'm not one to talk. However, if you really want to be brave, start telling us what's on the menu. I wanna know what your diet is! You're not getting away with just a milage plan. I'd also love to hear that Katie joined you on her bike, at least now and then.
    We're excited and touched by your transition with the house. Praying for you and beautiful Katie!

  4. A.Patty, thank you for always encouraging me! :) Lori my friend, I sooo know how you feel, I'm right there with you! I pray we meet at the park again!

    Rob....I love you sooo much! I am thankful you know me so well and love me anyways! Give my love to the boys and Becky Boo. xox Ok, now for the dirt....we actually are going kinda slow...I'm mostly walking, but when you start at ground negative zero..you gotta press on. :) Yeah..the diet...okay, here goes: I drink a coke every 4 to 5 days...totally in withdrawls! Although I still don't have much of an appetite, I eat a banana or orange daily, constantly downing salad, albeit drenched in dressing....and Katie is on me to eat broccoli or some other green weekly..that is my weak area..pray for me! Cause the greens would go down so much smoother when chased by a coke! :) Nah, Katie hasn't biked with me yet...although there may be something developing in that area! :) Keep calling me out..I need the accountability..and love! xoxox

  5. WOW! Kimmy, knowing how much you love your cokes, that's an awesome feat to limit it to every 4-5 days! Keep drinking that water and eating those bananas -- no more drama in E.R. rooms ;)
