2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

Aloha Friends!!!

Aloha and Mahalo for visiting my blog! I started this blog as I began training for the 2010 Honolulu Marathon.. I have now met that goal!!! Thank you for taking this journey with me! 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith".

Monday, January 4, 2010


I considered not writing at all today...but remembered this journaling is about my journey pressing towards a goal that was set on my heart....my journey to run the Honolulu Marathon. That doesn't mean I only write about my progress....or my successes....the journey is the whole enchilada....even days that may be considered setbacks.

I guess I viewed today as a setback. My cough, which is a symptom of the cancer in my lungs was and is kicking my butt today. Sometimes it appears out of the blue...I could be talking as clear as a bell and all of a sudden a shortness of breath takes over in the middle of a word...and then the strong urge to cough overtakes me right in the middle of the word or sentence I was completing. Then, as quickly as it came...it goes away. Random. Some who know me well, joke with me and say the cough is from the Lord to basically shut me up! To tell me to quiet my mouth. There may be truth to that since I have been known to leave voicemails so long I use the entire tape and have to press 1 to start over.....or I continue talking even when the cellular call was dropped minutes ago....only to have that same person call me back while words are still streaming out of my mouth.... :)

Today's cough lasted all day and is still with me into the night. It doesn't hurt when I cough....but I think it pains the listener...as the love they feel for me causes them to be pained by the obvious discomfort it sounds that I am in.

I live on Maui, an island close to the Big Island, which has active volcanoes that cause ash to fly around and create a "vog" in the air when the volcanos go off...which can cause regular breathing to be a problem, make people with asthma cringe....and apparently me, someone with cancer in my lungs....to cough non-stop, causing a minor setback in my run/walk advancing. When vog is a problem, I need to shut the windows and turn on our a/c and basically stay inside.

With that said, the day is not a total waste. I know this desire to run this marathon was not born by a desire I created...if I am to do this, it will be God directing the entire thing...with moments of setbacks and days of progress already factored in. For me, it was hard to get to that place of understanding today...although I know I am facing quite a big challenge, I didn't want to face that my cough, my health, could take a day away from me......yet that is the reality I live in.

Thankfully, I can rest in the complete knowledge that He is in control and I am not. He showed me my weakness today and reminded me once again, that when my feet move, it's because He chooses to move them. There is peace in that. Thanks for reading my heart. I look forward to tomorrow, whatever it brings.

Gotta Run


  1. hey girlie...listen to your body and your heart. you are doing just great so don't push yourself :) i continue to hold you in my prayers and my heart...hugs and smoochies, aunty patty

  2. I love the peace you have with what the Lord is doing in your life. You encourage me and I know many others! Thank you for sharing this journey with us, not only are you sharing your life but you are speaking in to so many of our lives!! You are reminding me personally that my feet will move when the Lord says move and to be still and know that He is God and all things work according to His will and purpose! I love you dear friend and am lifting you up daily in prayer! This is not a setback....just a little bump in the road that the Lord will carry you over! xoxoxo

  3. p.s. I laughed so hard when you mentioned the talking alot! LOL!! It reminded me soooo much of me! hehe ;) I ALWAYS leave super long messages and everyone always comments on that and like you when a called gets "dropped" I can be still talking away until the call comes ringing back in again! haha! Love it!
