2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

2010 Honolulu Marathon

Aloha Friends!!!

Aloha and Mahalo for visiting my blog! I started this blog as I began training for the 2010 Honolulu Marathon.. I have now met that goal!!! Thank you for taking this journey with me! 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith".

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Broke in my new shoes!

Well, I made friends today with my $150 running shoes......wow, did I just admit to buying my friends?! :) Anyways, they felt like "buttah"....so smooth!! I checked myself out in the mirror before heading out the door....totally outfitted from head to toes....new shorts...new tank top, new sports bra, new socks and shoes! I had to double check I took off all the price tags! I felt like a runner....I looked like a runner.....now, to go out and come back in SMELLING like a runner!! :)

I strapped on my IPOD and whistled for Kuuipo and we were off. 2 miles......let's keep it in perspective....8 times around my water walkway dealy...8x, 8x, 8x....8x.

I started out walking and I felt surprisingly good. Zumba the night before kinda shook me up and I actually woke up this morning kinda soar...guess that begins the motto that will become my mantra....No pain no gain! Oh yeah...and thanks Mitzi for the text letting me know Beyonce called asking for my phone number to be a back-up dancer! It's all good, smack talk only feeds my fire!! haha :)

Ok, I have went twice around and am ready to kick it up into a......jog. I am breathing in and out, taking my time....listening to my music....which doesn't drown out the soft and consistent sounds of the "thump, thump, thump of my feet as I lift 'em and drop 'em! :) I could feel myself halfway around the reservoir breathing heavily and I immediately start to feel discouraged....halfway? I'm winded halfway?! So, I keep pushing on, telling myself "keep moving, keep moving"....I am about to jog 1/4 of a mile....."don't stop Kimmy....you can do it!"....Ugh!! I am about to collapse...when I finally...reach a full circle!!!..uhum..I said....I JOGGED 1/4 of a mile!!!! Hello?? Can I get an Amen?! haha!

So I start walking again and change off and on, walking helps even out my breaths and also calms my legs and helps them feel more secure under me than the jelly they have been turned into. It seems like I need 2 walking lapse for every 1 lap of jogging...but in total I walked 1 1/2 miles and jogged 3/4's of a mile. :) I actually went around 9x! Goal accomplished!

Kuuipo and I pant back to the house for some much needed water and a/c.....we earned it! My goal was 2 miles, and I did it...."Thank you Lord, I am soo pathetic...yet am loving the way You love me too much to leave me pathetic!!! :)

And yes....."I SMELL like a runner!!" :)

Gotta Run!


  1. What type of shoes did you settle on? I switched from Nike to Mizuno awhile back and I think the right shoes make all the difference.

  2. Yay!! Chicken skin!!! I knew and know you can do this!! Gooooooooo Kimmy!!! xoxoxo

  3. Kim,
    You are amazing and wonderful! Thanks for sharing this "blog" with us. (I've never blogged in my life...what does blog mean anyway?)
    Your goal to train inspires us! The fact that you would change your diet is Epiphanic; not sure what that means, but if YOU can change your eating habits, there really is a God!
    I said to Becky, "If Kimmy can face a marathonic goal like that, what seemingly impossible goal can we make for our lives?"

    Also, you really have a gift to write. Guess all that talk-ability translates into brilliantly creative key-poking! (Remember, I was a journalism minor...so I'm obviously the definitive authority on this.)
    Keep going, keep praying, keep loving, keep breathing, keep "smelling" for Jesus!
    We love you and adore you, hurt with you, pray for you...daily!

  4. Hello Hawaii Friend!
    This is truly inspiring. This kind of training would literally kill me, I am so out of shape! You go, Kimmy! Thanks for sharing this.
    May I share this on twitter?
    Love in Christ,
    Tim Mrva

  5. You are incredible, Friend! And you are doing it the right way, in the right order... God, then a good pair of shoes, then the tank top & shorts. hehe!

    I'm soooo prayin' you onward! And sooo inspired by you!

    My heart of hearts misses you. Your writing gives me joy... you paint great pictures with your words! You are a great writer!

    I'm doing the Great Aloha Run (uh-hem, Run/Walk) on Feb 15th... if you are coming down for that, let me know.

    Love you Kimmie Girl!


  6. Thank you for the beautiful words my friends..they encourage and strengthen me more than you will ever know. Gen, my shoes I believe are Asics and feel great! We may have limited selection on Maui. Rob, you bless me and asked the same question I did and still have no idea what blog means! Tim, so blessed to hear from you, my love to all the Mrva Ohana..friend, what would it mean to share my post on Twitter? I know you are led by the Lord so I say go for it...but I am curious. :)
